Compositional Technique - What is Vanishing Point in Photography?


The use of vanishing points in your photography enhances the quality of your photographs while it improves the skills & composition of the photographer.

It takes a lot of time to master this wonderful concept. On the other hand, it drives the eyes of viewers and adds interest to your photographs.

If you have to define this term, then it is a powerful compositional tool that originates from the paintings and is widely used to give depth to the scene or photographs. It’s an excellent way to add a three-dimensional feel to two-dimensional photographs. Besides, it helps to emphasize the important elements of the photographs.

Going deeper, Vanishing points is a point in the photographs where parallel lines appear and then converge into the distance. It’s like standing on the long bridge with a railing that is about to meet on the horizon. This optical illusion happens as the elements of the photographs look smaller and smaller and look like a single point. It can be referred to as a single-point point or one-point perspective.

The use of vanishing point in the photographs creates mystery & symbol to the photographs. Just like the above image, the end of the bridge represents an unknown journey and adds excitement, thrill, and mystery to the photographs.

Similarly, a tunnel with the light at the end represent hopes and give some relief to the viewers.

How to capture vanishing points in your photography?

There are several ways to capture the vanishing point in your photographs. The most common way to capture the vanishing point is to increase the depth of field of the photographs. Some of the other ways are discussed below.

Look for the leading lines

Leading lines, parallel lines, or converging lines are some of the easiest ways to capture vanishing points. Roads, train tracks, bridges, and rows of trees are some of the starting points to shoot vanishing point photography. Besides, it won’t be hard to find these points.

Likewise, Landscape, Architecture, and Street Photographer are some of the best genres to go for vanishing point. This is the place where the photographer has to test their skills. Leading lines attract the eyes of the viewers and add interest in photography. Photographer has the power to lead the viewer’s eyes to the important elements in the photographs.

Go for a wide-angle lens

Once you are used to finding the vanishing points, it gives you more power and control over your photographs. You can use vanishing points to add more drama, mystery, and interest to your photograph. The use of a wide-angle lens makes the closer subject appear even bigger on the other hand it makes the distant subjects look smaller giving the sense of vanishing point.

Likewise, place your leading lines at the front which will maximize the effect of the wide-angle lens. If you don’t like it, keep experimenting with it until your satisfied with your shots.

Play with your subject

Since you have the power and total control over your photographs, you can use that power to play with your subject and create extraordinary shots. You can introduce the model in your photographs. The model can be nearer or farther in the frame, it’s your call but remember to place them with composition.

In the above photographs, the subject is placed nicely whereas the plank plays the role of leading lines. The image is perfectly composed while the landscape gives a romantic feel to the viewers.

You can try and experiment with different subjects and backgrounds. There are no specific rules to follow for these kinds of photography.

Try different compositional techniques

If you want to take your photography skills to the next level, then you need to master all the compositional techniques and use the vanishing point in it. There are several types of compositional rules that you can apply while capturing vanishing point photography. The most common one would be the rule of thirds, but there’s no such exception that you need to stick with the rule of thirds only. You can apply other compositional rules like the rule of balance, the rule of space, framing, symmetry, patterns, or leading lines.

If you look at the above image, it follows the rules of third, rules of balance, and rules of leading lines. All the elements of the photographs have been placed nicely.

The use of vanishing points in the photographs simply changes the mood and perspective of the photographs. It can alter the existing mood and add drama, excitement & thrill to the photographs.

It looks easy to master these compositional techniques, but it’s not. It takes a lot of time, practice, and dedication to master this technique. If you’re not sure where, to begin, start with the noticeable leading lines in your surroundings. Once you’re used to these techniques, you will be able to notice vanishing points in fewer settings as well.


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