What to shoot on Dashain as a photographer?


Ever wondered why Dashain is so special by looking at Dashain photos?

Well, there are so many things that pop up in our mind when we heard the word Dashain. The long holidays, cool & windy weather, the celebration, kites, cards and the joy of being free from all the things for almost 15 days. It is indeed one of the greatest and important festivals of Nepal celebrated with great joy and jubilation.

Dashain usually falls in the month of September or October starting from bright lunar fortnight also known as Shukla Paksha and ends on the day of a full moon (Purnima) according to the Nepalese calendar. This is the festival which honors a great conquest of the gods over the evil demons.

Following the myth and stories back in ancient times, it is believed that a demon named "Mahisasur" who spread a deadly horror was killed by Goddess Durga. Whereas, the nine days of Dashain reflects the constant battle between good & evil and vice and virtue. While the tenth is the glorious day where good takes over the evil.

Likewise, another Hindu legend "Ramayan" states and symbolize the triumph of Ram, the good and Ravan, the evil with the blessings of Goddess Durga.

Well, that's a little history and background of Dashain. So, as a photographer what to shoot on this 15 days long festival?

There are so many things that you can start with, for your ease, let's break down with important dates and events.

The first day of Dashain is Ghatasthapana. It is the day which is marked as the beginning of Dashain where people put Kalash (holy pot) in their homes to grow Jamara. The Kalash is filled with holy water and covered with cow dung and barley seeds. The same seed will grow throughout Dashain and at last it is used for giving blessings to juniors along with Tika.

pic credit: ekantipur

As a photographer, you can start clicking Dashain photos from your own home. On the day of Ghatasthapana, most of the Nepalese family put Kalash on their home or else you can always visit Hindu temples.

Be creative with our shots. Try to capture the details.

Let's jump into the next important date and that would be none other than Dashain 7th day, Fulpati. It's a day where the Brahmins from Gorkha brings the Fulpati Kalash by walking 170 kilometers to Hanumandhoka Dashain Ghar. The procession is accompanied by hundreds of Government officials, security personnel, Gurujyuko Platoon, Nepal Army, Nepal police followed by band music and panchebaja bands.

It's an event that you surely don't want to miss as a photographer. So, what to shoot on this day?

Here's the Gurkha Platoon officer firing the gunshot while welcoming the Dashain Fulpati.

pic credit: Kathmandupost

The mesmeric parade of band Baja welcoming the Fulpati.

pic credit: Kathmandupost

An army official preparing and guarding before the arrival of Fulpati to Dashain Ghar at Hanumandhoka.

pic credit: Kathmandupost

A group of priest installing the fulpati to Dashainghar at Hanumandhoka.

pic credit: Kathmandupost

The next important day of Bada Dashain would be 8th day also known as Mahaastami or "Kal Ratri". On this night, the fiercest of Goddess Durga manifestations Kali is offered with sacrifices of goats, hens, ducks and buffaloes throughout the country. During midnight, 54 buffaloes and 54 goats are sacrificed while the meat is taken home and cooked as "Prasad".

So, what to shoot on this day?

Since this is the day of Goddess Durga, the best thing to capture on this day would be Goddess Durga herself and her devotees.

All the Goddess Durga temple will be packed with devotees. You can visit Chamunda Bhagwati, Shova Bhagwati, Gokarneshwor, Janaleshwor, Manamaijudevi Bhagwati, Batsaladevi, Nine Ajimas, Kankeshwari Bhagwati, and Guheshwari temple located at Pashupatinath temple. Likewise, devotees also visit Naxal Bhagwati, Maitidevi, Kalikasthan, Sankata, Mahankalsthan, Naradevi, Bijayeswori, Indrayani, Dakshinkali, Chamunda and other shrines of Durga Bhawani temple.

Here are some Dashain photos to click during these days.

pic credit: news24hours

Devotees praying for good health and life during Dashain at Bhadrakali Temple.

One of the Brahmin enchanting mantras during Mahastami at Bhadrakali Temple.

pic credit: Kathmandupost

After the end of famous Kal Ratri, the next day would be Maha Navami which is the last day of Navaratri. This is the day where all the ceremonies and rituals reach their peak height. On the other hand, there will be mass sacrifices in Hanuman Dhoka under gunfire salutes. It is one of the important days of Dashain as and is also best known as the demon-hunting day.

There's a belief that all the demons who have been defeated will hide in the bodies of animals and fowls. Hence, to eradicate all the demons, there will be mass sacrifices which take place in the Kot courtyard.

Similarly, the god of creation Vishwakarma is also worshipped on this day.

So what to click on this day?

Since, it is Vishwakarma day as well where we worshipped the god of creation, you can start clicking from your own home.

Here's a women worshipping motorcycle. It is believed that worshipping vehicle on this day will prevent the accidental events throughout the year.

Besides, there's an important event happening on this day. On this auspicious day, the temple of Taleju Bhawani will be opened to visit for general people. Taleju Bhawani temple is kept close throughout the year and is only opened once a year.

You can click lot of things during this day. You can start with Taleju Bhawani temple and devotees waiting in line.

pic credit: Sanjog ManandharKathmandu Post

Or you can just focus on the shopkeeper keeping the holy temple behind.

pic credit: Sanjog ManandharKathmandu Post

Bijaya Dashami is the most important day of the whole Bada Dashain. On this day, all the family members come together and celebrate Dashain by preparing delicious food and exchanging Tika's to one another. This day is also taken as the victory day over evil. 

What to shoot on this day?

Since it's a victorious and joyful day. You can start clicking through Jamara and Tika's. It's better if we can capture the emotions of elders and blessing through pictures. However, you might require a model release statement for such shots.

Pic credit: Setopati.com

If you don't want that hassle, then these shots might help you. These are the shots which have high chances of getting sales and moreover, you don't need a model release statement.

pic credit: stunningnepal

Besides blessing from elders, Dashain is also famous for Dakshina. The junior member of the family usually receives Tika's with Jamara and Dakshina in terms of blessings.

Now, this one would be pretty easy. Beside all these Dashain is famous for a couple of more things including delicious food and meat.

Most of the Nepalese family love to have sheep, chicken, duck and especially Goat meat during Dashain. The tradition of having meat is so long that now Goat and its meat is taken as the symbol of Dashain.

If you are a vegan, then you can simply click the picture of a goat, it does represent Dashain and its vibe.

Pic Credit: Food.Nepalworld

That's not the end, there's still lot more to cover on Dashain.

Well, what's Dashain without playing Swing?

pic credit: altitudehimalaya

Likewise, Dashain photos are quite incomplete without flying kites.

Pic credit: photosofnepal

Dashain is more fun when we get a chance to play cards with our siblings and family.

pic credit: StunningNepal

If you are looking for more fun, excitement, and money, then Langurburja might catch your eyes.

Well, we have almost come to an end. After the Bijaya Dashami, people exchange tika's and visit their relatives to its last day Kojatra Purnima. It's the last day of Dashain where people celebrate it and say goodbye to the most awaited festival of the year and be ready to welcome another important festival of Nepal Tihar.

We will definitely talk about Tihar and what to shoot on it, till then keep clicking Dashain photos.


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