16 results found for your search of firewood
Villagers heading towards home after collecting food for their cattle.
Local women collecting fern from forest.
In the world of pizza, burger and sophisticated restaurants , village life ,wheat bread ,organic cowpea and roasted maize adds the real taste to our life.
Painting like picture of blazing fire during winter season
Local villagers walking in to the forest for collecting firewood.
Local villagers carrying food for their cattle.
Nepali woman collecting firewood from Chitwan Nepal.
Woman collecting firewood from Chitwan Nepal.
Woman heading towards home after collecting firewood from forest.
Villagers heading towards home after collecting firewood.
Local villagers headi g towards home after collecting firewood.
Woman collecting firewood,
Bull carrying firewood from Mustang Nepal
Women heading towards home after collecting firewood.
Villagers heading towards home after collecting firewood .
Local villagers carrying firewood from nearby forest.